See a taxi location on the map with a taxi dispatch app

See a taxi location on the map with a taxi dispatch app
We introduced a useful system which can book, dispatch and pay with a smartphone app. No need to call a dispatcher, don't have to wait at a taxi stand. Also it can wait with confidence as watching no-passenger cabs on the map of the app.

Runs on iPhone, Android. Available free download on each store. Search with "Japan Taxi" to reach the app.

Easy operation with a smartphone! Just tap on the map!
Tap the place to catch, order only in a few taps. App tells the approximate arriving time when the nearest cab is found.
Full useful functions! "booking", "search fare" and "Favorite & History"
- Booking function with day and time
- Support 93 kinds of fare systems all over Japan. "taxi fare search" that calculates approximate fare on the map
- Familiar places, last boarding place can be recorded on "Favorite & History"
Getting off quickly with the internet settlement!
[ Available cash cards ] VISA、JCB、MASTER、AMEX、DINERS